1. a. What is your topic and Why?
My topic is about Remote controlled car racing. More specifically, how to become a sponsored rc car driver. I chose this topic because I am an up and coming pro driver, and This topic intrests me very much. Ive been racing competitively for about two years now and It is something that I enjoy doing.
b. And what do you hope to accomplish this year with this topic (connecting your
answer to each of the 4 ESLRs)
I hope to be a more effective user of technology. This will be reached my doing research and finding articles about my topic.I also hope to gain more communication skill because I will be helping a lot of people.I also plan to learn even more about my topic and putting that into effect by helping people and educating them.
2. What do you hope to accomplish this year with this topic(connecting your answer with the four ESLRs)
iPoly citizen: I plan to become a more helpful person during the course of my racing carrer. This relates to me improving as an ipoly citizen because I will be a more approachable and friendly person to talk to.
Effective communicator: I plan to be more outgoin when conversing. This will make me an effective learner because by talking to proplr you can open more doors in your life and have the opprutunity to do something different.
Effective Learner:I plan to gain more knowledge about the subject through extensive reseach, and through first-hand experience in the field.This will make me more effective as a learner because my knowled of the subject will be far greater and that will make me the subject matter expert of what I've learned.
Effective User of Technology: I plan to use the world wide web to gain access to all sorts of information about my topic. This will make me more effective as
a user of technology because I will be able to use different sources to find information other than books or text.